About Organization

Senior Love & Care

SSS, an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization that came into existence in the year 1981 with the vision of overall social and economic development of society through mainstreaming the urban and rural poor and downtrodden community to ensure self-reliant community.

Since its inception, SSS has continuously strived for the mission to create healthy and happy society through batter health, education, nutrition, and water & sanitation services for the community to ensure economic sustainability and growth by adoption of participatory approach. Acquaintance with the country’s rich tradition and heritage for getting imbibed with the spirit of using local resources, skills and knowledge based opportunities for the community to start self income generation activities to fulfill their needs as well as creation of field employment. The organization is also working for developing rural entrepreneurial environment through awareness generation by engaging different stakeholders, influencers, local leaders, other government and non government development partners.

As part of development strategy, SSS considers human being with all his facets and adopts a comprehensive approach to for the development programme. Comprehensive approach includes adoption of a participatory approach by organizing the participants into groups, both male and female, are the micro level planner, the smallest denominators of execution, monitoring and evaluation process. To be short and precise, SSS prefers the role of a facilitator rather than an operator or implementer. The organization has the objective of development of farmers, women, and unemployed youths to make them stand on their feet and aspire of a healthy and prosperous life by initiating micro finance, micro enterprises through self help groups. The main stress of the organization has always been generating employment oriented opportunities.

The SSS is a group of educationist and development professionals working collectively as a team for establishing justice, equality and peace in society and build capacity of people for collective action in partnership with the Government, bank and private institutions to achieve an identical goal of serving economically poor community.

The group of committed people laid down foundation of the SSS by establishing a Sishu Mandir school in a village Allipur of Bavan blocks in Hardoi district of U. P. in India for educating poor children, specially for girls. The passion of our President and acceptance of the community people contributed towards never ending progress of the school. In the year 1999 the school became a degree college and started producing Arts and Science graduates. The outcome of the college is attracting students of region to be enrolled in the college established in village Allipur.

Besides establishing educational institute in village Allipur the organization initiated educational activities in other Districts of Uttar Pradesh in the year 1989. The SSS with the help of Government of India, the Government of Uttar Pradesh, Banks, and Volunteers from universities is also attempting to address various problem of resource poor community such as health, employment, agriculture, water and sanitation, income generation and environment for achieving the Social Development Goals (SDG’s).

To ensuring high quality health facilities and safe drinking water to modern technical education and self-employment, the organization has undertaken and successfully implemented various Central and State government projects. SSS is continue working science FY- 2015-16 with Water and Sanitation Mission, U.P for IEC/BCC and completed successfully package of activities in seven districts (Sahjhanpur, Mahoba, Hamirpur, Kasghanj, Jhansi, Auraiya Ghaziabad, Firozabad, Kaushambi, Rampur, Sambhal) and covered 5763 Gram Panchayats and reached aprox 22,68,800 peoples in highly JE/AES affected areas, by these activities we helped community to access safe drinking water and improved health, nutrition and sanitation status. Currently organization is running five Old Age Homes in District- Lucknow, Sitapur, Kanpur, Jhansi and Hardoi through department of Social Welfare, UP and One Deaddiction Center in District Hardoi through Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, U.P, One Open Shelter Home in District- Kanpur through Directorate of Mahila Kalyan, U.P, three Kasturba Ghandhi Residential Girls School in District Sahjhapur, Barelly and Banda through Department of Literacy and Alternative Education, U.P and also working on Skill Development Programme through Skill Development Mission, U.P. Besides above organization is also previously worked with Department of Women and Child Development, GoI on pre education, Department of Human Resource and Development, GoI on informal education, Adult Education, Short Stay Home and Working Women Hostel, Department of Social Justice & Empowerment, GoI on De-addiction Counseling Center, Street Children Programme, Coaching for Weaker Section, Day Care Center, Old Age Home, Computer Training Center, Spray Painting Training Center, Typing and Short Hand Training Center, Handicap Instructor Center and Mahila Kalyan Nigam, UP on AWW Training Center, Old Age Women Home, Kisori Sakti, Sabla Training and Department of Literacy and Alternative Education, U.P on education through Kasturba Ghandhi Residential Girls Schools.
SSS believes on participatory planning, implementation, supportive supervision and review of all activities in pre defined short intervals with project beneficiaries, stakeholders and field team members to achieve time bound quality outputs.


  • To facilitate urban and rural community to access relevant information, education and skill for income genration.
  • Enabling environment for community ownership and engagement for social protection.
  • To establish vocational training centers, educational institutions, center for old age, disabled and distressed men and women, orphanages, etc. for social welfare.
  • Facilitation community to improve Health, Nutrition, Education, Drinking Water and Sanitation status.
  • Facilitating community to build their own capacity for income generation.

Development Strategy

  • Consideration of a human being with all his facets by taking a holistic view which finds an expression in the adoption of comprehensive approach for programme development.
  • Adoption of a participatory approach by organizing the participants into groups, both male and female, are the micro level planning, the smallest denominators of the execution, monitoring and evaluation process. SSS prefers the role of a facilitator rather than an operator or implementer.
  • Emphasis on women participation and empowerment.
  • Development of various thematic experts’ professional resource pool.
  • Infrastructure development for various programme and activities.
  • Development of communication tools for community mobilization and engagement.
  • Team performance review and reward for motivation.
  • Community contribution, partnership and convergence.
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